
To What End Exegesis? Essays Textual, Exegetical, and Theological is unavailable, but you can change that!

Over the past twenty-five years Gordon D. Fee has produced a steady stream of articles and academic papers addressing thorny text-critical issues, delicate exegetical concerns, and profound theological matters. Many of these scholarly pieces have made significant contributions to the field of New Testament studies, but they have been scattered in a wide range of publications. Now, twenty-one of...

3. A considerable “core of ideals” was understood to be inherent in such friendship, most of which appear in some way or another in Philippians. Absolutely basic to everyone’s understanding of friendship and crucial to the passage in hand was the matter of social reciprocity, in which, using the language of commerce metaphorically, they spoke of mutually “giving and receiving benefits.” This matter of “benefits” called for some of the lengthiest philosophical discussions, because friendship could
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